When you begin a new relationship how do you know what is the right pace for you?
How Fast is Too Fast?
No. but really, how fast is too fast? After how many dates is it acceptable to address the idea of beginning a serious relationship?
It all depends on the people involved in the matter, but what happens when one of them is much more invested than the other one is?
The only way to find out is to ask the other person how they feel, but adding grand gestures might just scare the person away. Especially when done at the beginning, when the two people are just starting to know each other.
That’s why following your gut feeling is always a good choice!
Is there a way to forget about the awkward moments and try to move with that person knowing that they are much move invested in this relationship than you are?
So many questions and not many answers.
How Fast is too Fast? Receiving a promise ring on the third date is too fast? Saying ‘I love you’ after a month is too fast?
I like to take my time when it comes to knowing someone new. I need time to learn to trust someone new. Because let’s face it, we live in a new dating era where it’s easy to disappear into thin air and feel like it’s just another normal act.
For other people though, getting engaged after three months is a dream come true. I can’t see myself trusting someone that much in a such a small amount of time.
So what do I do when all I can feel is a nerve-wrecking sense of oppression as if time is running out and all we have is a few moments left?